

Searches for supported technologies of NordVPN servers.


By Friendly Name (Default)

Find-NordVPNTechnology [-FriendlyName] <String> [-Offline] [<CommonParameters>]

By Id

Find-NordVPNTechnology [-Id] <String> [-Offline] [<CommonParameters>]

By Code

Find-NordVPNTechnology [-Code] <String> [-Offline] [<CommonParameters>]


Searches for and returns a list of technologies supported by NordVPN servers.

By default, the required data is downloaded from the NordVPN web API and processed to produce an array of matching technology entries, each of which is a NordVPNTechnology object.

Please see About NordVPN-Servers Classes to view the complete structure of a technology entry.


Example 1

PS C:\> Find-NordVPNTechnology -Code openvpn*

  ID Name                           Code                               Created             Updated
  -- ----                           ----                               -------             -------
   3 OpenVPN UDP                    openvpn_udp                  2017/05/04 08:03:24 2017/05/09 19:27:37
   5 OpenVPN TCP                    openvpn_tcp                  2017/05/09 19:28:14 2017/05/09 19:28:14
  15 OpenVPN UDP Obfuscated         openvpn_xor_udp              2017/05/26 14:04:04 2017/11/07 08:37:53
  17 OpenVPN TCP Obfuscated         openvpn_xor_tcp              2017/05/26 14:04:27 2017/11/07 08:38:16
  29 OpenVPN UDP IPv6               openvpn_udp_v6               2018/09/18 13:35:38 2018/09/18 13:35:38
  32 OpenVPN TCP IPv6               openvpn_tcp_v6               2018/09/18 13:36:02 2018/09/18 13:36:02
  38 OpenVPN UDP TLS Crypt          openvpn_udp_tls_crypt        2019/03/21 14:52:42 2019/03/21 14:52:42
  41 OpenVPN TCP TLS Crypt          openvpn_tcp_tls_crypt        2019/03/21 14:53:05 2019/03/21 14:53:05
  42 OpenVPN UDP Dedicated          openvpn_dedicated_udp        2019/09/19 14:49:18 2019/09/19 14:49:18
  45 OpenVPN TCP Dedicated          openvpn_dedicated_tcp        2019/09/19 14:49:54 2019/09/19 14:49:54

Searches for all NordVPN server technologies with codes beginning with ‘openvpn’.

Example 2

PS C:\> $allServers = Get-NordVPNServerList
PS C:\> $numServers = $allServers.Count
PS C:\> Find-NordVPNTechnology -FriendlyName *UDP* | `
>> Format-Table FriendlyName, @{
>>     Label = "% Server support"
>>     FormatString = '{0,6:p2}'
>>     Expression = {
>>         $techCode = $_.Code
>>         $numSupport = ($allServers | Where-Object {$_.Technologies.Code -contains $techCode}).Count
>>         $numSupport / $numServers
>>     }
>> } -AutoSize

FriendlyName           % Server support
------------           ----------------
OpenVPN UDP                      90.46%
OpenVPN UDP Obfuscated            9.52%
OpenVPN UDP IPv6                  0.00%
OpenVPN UDP TLS Crypt             0.00%
OpenVPN UDP Dedicated             2.56%

Searches for all server technologies with ‘UDP’ in the friendly name and displays beside each the percentage of NordVPN servers that currently support it.



Please enter a technology Code. Wildcard characters (?*[]) are allowed.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: ByCode

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: True


Please enter a technology name. Wildcard characters (?*[]) are allowed.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: ByFriendlyName

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: True


Please enter a technology ID. Wildcard characters (?*[]) are allowed.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: ById

Required: True
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: True


Temporarily overrides the OfflineMode setting and uses the fallback file stored in NordVPN_Technologies.xml. This does not change the value of the setting but is useful when access to the web API is not available.

The fallback file can be updated when online with -UpdateFallback.

Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.






Please refer to the help topic for Get-NordVPNTechnologyList for more details on offline usage, caching, and fallback files.

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